My name is Michelle, I am Cree, a mom and animal lover. I have been sewing all my life, taught at the knee of Josephine Ward, my beloved kucum ,at her home on Peepeekisis, our home land.

It has been a natural progression for me to become a beader and jewellery maker, using mother earths gifts to satisfy an internal need to create.

I feel a connection to my craft and the materials I use. I alway try to source my materials from indigenous people.

I am blessed to come from a family of indigenous artists and feel the natural knowledge in my blood come alive when I have a piece of moosehide in my hands.

I am happiest when I create and will continue to create and share knowledge for as long as the creator allows Hyi Hyi.   

The Crow seems to be a spirit animal for me. He leads me to discovery about myself.

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